BELL WITCH Movie, produced by Big River Pictures, premired September 24, at the historic RYMAN Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. The red carpet gala featured interviews with the director and producer, S. Shane Marr, and stars from the movie, including Betsy Palmer, an hour-long concert showcasing music from the soundtrack and the world premiere of BELL WITCH: The Movie.
The historic RYMAN Auditorium, a 2,300 seat theater in Nashville, TN, a former home of the Grand Ole Opry. “The Ryman’s historical importance makes it the perfect setting for this event. Not only is it the home of country music, it is also near the site of the legendary Bell Witch haunting in Adams, TN,” says director and Producer S. Shane Marr.
bell witch red carpet event, live concert and movie premier at the ryman auditorium
BELL WITCH THE MOVIE CONCERT RECORDED LIVE AT THE RYMAN IN NASHVILLE TN. bell witch premiere at the ryman in nashville ryman auditorium
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